Thursday, August 27, 2020

Balmer Series Definition in Science

Balmer Series Definition in Science The Balmer arrangement is the bit of the outflow range of hydrogen that speaks to electron changes from vitality levels n 2 to n 2. These are four lines in the noticeable range. They are otherwise called the Balmer lines.The four noticeable Balmer lines of hydrogen show up at 410 nm, 434 nm, 486 nm and 656 nm. These are brought about by photons created by electrons in energized states progressing to progressively stable vitality levels. There are additionally different bright Balmer lines that have frequencies shorter than 400 nm. The range becomes constant moving toward 364.6 nm (bright). Note: While Balmer found four obvious lines, five other hydrogen phantom arrangement were later found for estimations of n other than 2. The Balmer arrangement in particularly significant in space science. The lines are appear discharged by numerous heavenly items in light of the fact that a large portion of the universe comprises of the component hydrogen. The arrangement is utilized to help decide the surface temperature of stars. Source Nave, C. R. (2006). Hydrogen Spectrum. HyperPhysics. Georgia State University.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

New venture creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

New pursuit creation - Essay Example Richard Cantilon characterized Entrepreneur as an individual who will in general purchase administrations at a specific endorsed costs so as to sell it at an unsure cost. Hence as indicated by Cantilon a business visionary is a conveyor to hazard and which isn't insurable. Another prestigious French financial analyst has characterized Entrepreneur as a specialist who fundamentally joins all the vital components of creation and who discovers estimation of the items which restores the capital that the business person utilizes alongside the premium, compensation, lease which is paid by the business visionary and the benefit earned has a place with the business person. He may not flexibly capital yet ought to have the information, judgment and constancy towards the business and have the craft of organization and administration (Mohanty, 2005, p.1-2). Every one of the definition sees a business visionary from an alternate point and viewpoint however contains comparable idea, for example, chance taking, making, sorting out, riches and development. Consequently Entrepreneurship is characterized as a procedure which intends to make something new with esteem and is made by dedicating the exact time just as exertion going with budgetary, social hazard and toward the end accepting the ideal outcome or prize of money related and furthermore of individual fulfillment just as freedom (Hisrich, 2003, p.8). During the time spent creation business there is a collection of research who has been attempting to recognize the variables of what makes a business visionary really a business visionary and above all what makes him fruitful. Is the in brought into the world nature of an individual or whether the characteristics can be natured? It has been established that business visionary are especially sensitive to the all inclusive and furthermore the human attribute which is the longing for opportunity (TiE Organization, 2003, p.17). A portion of the trademark and characteristics of an Entrepreneur incorporates factors, for example, daring individual where a business person for the most part bears all the vulnerability and characterizes and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Military Members Rank Financial Stress a Greater Concern Than Deployment - OppLoans

Military Members Rank Financial Stress a Greater Concern Than Deployment - OppLoans Military Members Rank Financial Stress a Greater Concern Than DeploymentInside Subprime: June 26, 2019By Jessica EastoAccording to a recent report, US military members and their spouses ranked “financial stress” as their greatest concern, even over deployment.Members of the military and their spouses face unique financial challenges. Deployment often means erratic pay and frequent moves, which leads to additional expenses and different costs of living. Additionally, frequent moves can make it difficult for military partners and spouses to find steady employment and contribute to the family’s household income.Eric Wanner, a sergeant in the US Army who currently lives at Fort Meade in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, recently spoke to CNBC about his experience. He and his wife, Jana, have moved four times in the last twelve years.“When we came back from overseas we had to rent a car for two months while we waited for our other car to get shipped,” said Jana. “That was a massi ve expense.”Military families’ concerns over finances has been growing in recent years. According to another report, this one from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), 90 percent of active service members and 84 percent of their spouses worry about personal finances, figures that are up from a similar NFCC report from 2014.The NFCC also found that military members are struggling more now than in the past to pay their bills on time. Thirty percent of military partners or spouses reported that they do not pay their bills on time and 10 percent say they have debts in collection.Military families who are struggling to make ends meet are susceptible to predatory payday loans. Last year, a report showed that 44 percent of active-duty members use them.According to Josh Andrews, a certified financial planner and advice director at financial services firm USAA in San Antonio, Texas, there are several things military members and their families can do to help their financi al situation, including:Save money right away by automatically contributing 10 percent of your paycheck to the military’s Thrift Savings Plan. Then create a budget with whatever is left over.Pay down debt, starting with the loans that are costing you the most. Andrews advises that payday loans (aka cash advances) are often the most expensive.When you know you are changing locations, research the new location’s cost of living, as everything from food to gas to rent can vary greatly. Adjust your budget accordingly.Consider your future, since most do not serve actively until retirement. Look for training and other types of education that can help you land a job that meets your needs for income, insurance, and other benefits once you transition out of your military service.Learn more about payday loans, scams, and cash advances by checking out our city and state financial guides, including Florida, Illinois, Chicago, Ohio, Texas, and more.Visit  OppLoans  on  YouTube  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  LinkedIn

Monday, May 25, 2020

Ugolino and His Sons - 2648 Words

Ugolino and His Sons Introduction to Art Principles City College of New York, CUNY Presented by: Markous Soliman Presented to: Prof. William Behnken Art had played an important role in building up civilizations from all over the world through thousands of centuries. It is and will always still the way of projecting artists’ ideas and thoughts into meaningful and tangible objects which we called â€Å"work of art†. In addition, It was the path through all these years that dug its way to reach to our current century to show us the beauty of every single era starting from the Upper Paleolithic Period of time (42,000 – 8,000 BCE) reaching to our contemporary artists of today. One of the most representing works to†¦show more content†¦Away from the head, the sculpture presented the way Ugolino’s body shrinking and taking a smaller form by bending his back to the front, putting his arm on his leg, crossing up his legs to each other and putting his curled toes on top of each other. These all resembled the intensive way of thinking and worrying that Ugolino had about his offspring. Moreover, the naked state of all of the figures’ bodies (Ugolino and his sons) expresses the darkness of the situation where is nothing surrounding them but starvation and the dreadful dreams of it. On top of that, the sculpture presented his four different-aged kids with different angles of bodies and gestures. As the eldest (the one on the bottom left) is hugging his father’s legs offering his body to his father so his suffer can end and his dad can sustain more. Also, the youngest (the one on the bottom right) seemed dead on the ground underneath Ug olino because of starving, closing his eyes and relying all his body on Ugolino’s legs. But he also imaged both of the two middle-aged kids - on the top right and on the top left – as they seemed halfway hopeless of living anymore trying to hold on to their father. The one on the left was trying to put his arms on his father’s thigh so he doesn’t fall like his youngest brother. And the one on the right was trying to hide himself beneath his father’s chest,Show MoreRelatedAnalyzing Jean Baptiste Carpeauxs Sculpture Ugolino and His Sons668 Words   |  3 PagesUgolino and his sons, by Jean Baptiste Carpeaux Jean Carpeaux who was an astounding sculpture breaks away from tradition and other historical subjects to come up with a unique way of expressing his feelings and ideas. In the sculpture of Ugolino and his sons, Carpeaux incorporates his sculpture with a past unseen liberty and immediacy. Jean-Baptiste brings to the public a lively individuality with his sculptures to distinguish him from the rest. The Ugolino and sons sculpture was inspired byRead MoreThe Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri Essay1691 Words   |  7 Pagespoets. One of Alighieri’s most famous works of art would be his poem called the Divine Comedy written in year 1320. The poem itself has a heavy Christian influence and it entails the journey of Dante, the protagonist as he travels through hell, purgatory and finally paradise. Additionally, the poem captures Dante’s journey as he gets closer to god. As Dante first enters Inferno, (also known as hell), he meets Virgil, who is not only his mentor and guide throughout Dante’s journey but Virgil is alsoRead MoreDante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 )1353 Words   |  6 Pageswas called the â€Å"Stilnovo†, and was basically a style where poets would discuss their feelings of love and theorize about love. 3. Dante’s wife, Gemma Donati, does not have as large an influence on his work as Beatrice Portinari, his first love. Many of Dante’s poems in the Vita Nuova are based on his love for Beatrice and the passion that he feels for her. 4. Dante held the occupations of a patrician in Florence, a poet and author in Florence, a soldier at the battles of Sienese and CampaldinoRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Count Ugolino 1995 Words   |  8 Pages Count Ugolino In the first round of the ninth circle of the Inferno, Virgil and Dante see two spirits pent in the ice; one spirit chews on the head of the other sinner. Dante questions the chewing sinner, and with this the soul lifts his from the other soul’s devoured head, and begins to tell his story (Inf). He introduces himself as Count Ugolino, a nobleman of Pisa, and tells Dante that the other sinner, whom he was gnawing on, is Archbishop Ruggieri. Through a deceitful deception, the ArchbishopRead More Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux Essay824 Words   |  4 Pages1827 - 1875 The son and grandson of stonemasons, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux was born in 1827 in Valenciennes and moved to Paris at the age of eleven. Beginning in the early 1840s he studied at the Petite Ecole, the state school for training in the applied arts, formally called the Ecole Gratuite de Dessin, before entering the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1844, where he changed masters repeatedly, oscillating between typical student ambition (optimal credentials for the Prix de Rome) and his interest in moreRead MoreThe Medusa By Jean Louis Theodore Gericault And The Nightmare By John Henry Fuseli713 Words   |  3 PagesClassical tradition of always presenting the idealized human form, no matter what the situation. There is also a homage to Dante in the fact that the positions of a group of figures on the raft are meant to mirror those in a depiction of Count Ugolino and his sons. Also, Neoclassical paintings featured a heavy use of chiaroscuro (contrast between light and shadow for dramatic effect) and The Raft Of The Medusa has that in spades with the sunlight just barely peeking out behind the cloud to the left Read MoreDantes Inferno- Symbolism1592 Words   |  7 PagesMinos. He is the son of Zeus and Europa and had been a King of Crete while in the world of the living. It is said of Minos that â€Å"His terrifying treatment of the souls is significant as after Charon, he is one of the first figures who they encounter on their passage into hell, and his unique method of demonstrating which area of hell that the souls should be sent to increases the horror and adds to the alarming atmosphere†(Source 1). This is said in reference to Minos wrapping his tail around theRead MoreThe Divine Comedy: Allegory2235 Words   |  9 Pagesat the beginning of the journey ( half of man’s biblical life span â€Å"threescore and ten years† (Psalm 90:10) o Lost his way on â€Å"the true path† of life ( sin has obstructed his path to God o Explores the nature of sin by traveling through hell o Rooted in the Everyman allegorical tradition ( represents humanity o Little known about his life on earth o Committed a sin never specified o Participated in Florentine politics o Often sympatheticRead MoreMovement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay2889 Words   |  12 Pagesthe physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so ben ridir comio ventrai. Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid-life crisis, but it is physically represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may seem far too simple and obviousRead MoreEssay about Comparing the Underworlds in Dante’s Inferno and The Odyssey2108 Words   |  9 Pageswhom they have had an intimate instructs them to. In The Odyssey, Circe instructs Odysseus to â€Å"make [his] own way down to the moldering House of Death† (246). In the Inferno, Dante feels trepidation about his journey and doesn’t feel worthy as he s tates, â€Å"But why should I go there? who allows it?/ I am not Aeneas, nor am I Paul./ Neither I nor any think me fit for this.† (Canto II: 31-33). His nerves are eased when Virgil tells him that he was sent by Beatrice, Dante’s love. â€Å"I who bid you go

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hitchcocks Film Psycho Essay - 1575 Words

Hitchcocks Film Psycho Ever since the first horror movies were produced they have attracted huge audiences seeking to be scared, chilled and thrilled. Horror movies are so popular because the audience can get the adrenaline rush of being scared without actually putting themselves in danger, and also the audience ultimately get a rush of relief at the end of the film when the killer is killed. This is the same reason why people go on roller coasters because you get the adrenaline rush and then the relief when you get off. Also often horror movies are highly sexual films, and whats more its a great excuse to hug your girlfriend! Horror movies started in the†¦show more content†¦These were produced by the British Hammer studios. Also Roger Corman, an American director made low budget gothic films of a number of the Edgar Allen Poe stories. One of the most famous horror films not just of the 1960s but of all time, Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho broke new ground. It was like nothing ever seen before. Hitchcock is thought of as one of the most important film makers in the history of cinema. He is not regarded just as a normal director, but as an auteur (this means artist or author in French) Auteurs, unlike ordinary directors who are just technicians, impose their own vision upon the script and their films are regarded as having a consistency of style and themes. In many of Hitchcocks films, there is stylistic unity. An example of this is Hitchcocks reliance on editing. By changing the viewpoint implied by the change of shot, he can fully involve the audience in the action. An example of this is the famous shower scene in Psycho 34 shots appear on screen in just 25 seconds. Also in Hitchcocks films he uses a lot of point-of-view shots which is linked with Hitchcocks fascination with voyeurism. Two examples of this are in Ver tigo where Scottie is hired to follow Madeline and in Psycho where Norman Bates spies on Marion as sheShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis of Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho2250 Words   |  9 PagesFilm Analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s â€Å"Psycho† Introduction â€Å"Psycho† (1960) is based on a novel of the same name by Robert Bloch. The film was directed by Hollywood legend, Alfred Hitchcock. The screen play was written by Joseph Stephano and based on the real life crimes of serial killer, Ed Gein. The film stars Janet Leigh, Anthony Perkins, John Gavin and Vera Miles. The film garnered four academy award nominations and widely regarded as one of Hitchcock’s best films. It spawned two sequels, aRead MoreEssay about Alfred Hitchcocks film Psycho1110 Words   |  5 PagesAlfred Hitchcocks film Psycho Psycho, by Alfred Hitchcock, was shocking for its time. Made in the 1960s when film censorship was very tight to todays standards, Hitchcock pushed the limits of what could be shown and did with psycho things that had never been done before. The cinematic art, symbolism and sub-conscious images in this film were brilliant for the time and still are now. Realised for this, psycho has been copied in many ways and the things that made itRead More Alfred Hitchcocks Movie, Psycho and its Impact on the Film Industry2879 Words   |  12 PagesAlfred Hitchcocks Movie, Psycho and its Impact on the Film Industry The 1960s marked a big change in American cinema. With the collapse of the Hollywood Studio System came a weakening of censorship laws; sex and violence moved from obscurity to the forefront of mainstream cinema (Nowell-Smith 464). Although it quickly became clear that a market existed for such films, the earliest attempts to foray into the world of modern cinema were met with ambivalence. Alfred Hitchcocks Psycho, made inRead MoreThe Horrifying Shower Scene in Alfred Hitchcocks Film, Psycho1660 Words   |  7 PagesIn this essay I will be doing a close analysis on the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, 1960. I will be looking at the mise-en-scà ¨ne, performance, cinematography, editing, and the manipulation of sound. I will also be looking at themes that are explored in the film and what messages they convey to the audience. I will be using some theories to help analyze this particular sequence. At the beginning of the clip we can see the Marion flushing pieces of paper down the toilet in a closeRead MoreSuspense and Tension in Hitchcocks 1960s Film Psycho Essay916 Words   |  4 Pagesand Tension in Hitchcocks 1960s Film Psycho The film Psycho was produced in the 1960s by Alfred Hitchcock. It was a groundbreaking film in the 1960s. It was called mother of the modern horror movie. The reasons for it to be such a landmark film were that it dealt with serious issues such as adultery and matricide. For the first time a toilet was shown being flushed in the film. Also it was the first time a woman was shown in bra. The film Psycho was highlyRead MoreAlfred Hitchcock s Psychological Pressure, Mystery, And Wit1430 Words   |  6 Pagesdirectors in the history of cinema. Hitchcock directed over fifty films, many of which remain popular to this day, including his stunning works Vertigo, North by Northwest, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Psycho. Hitchcock’s use of suspense, psychological pressure, mystery, and wit intrigued the audiences of his day as well as audiences of the 21st century. These elements of Hitchcock’s films have also inspired the genre of horror films that many know well today. Alfred Hitchcock, known for the falseRead MoreAnalysis Of Alfred Hitchcock s Use Of Mis En Scene1312 Words   |  6 PagesThe story line of a film can be regarded as an important criterion when selecting an audience’s preference. Yes, the plot is critical when it comes to sitting still for 2-3 hours straight. However, the excellence of that, sparks from daring and theatrical ideas that directors build on through detailed and carefully constructed forms of art. Mis-en scene forms the basis of a films captivating ability, which can be furthered through auteuristic skill that a director projects. It is a combination ofRead MoreFilm Review : Psycho 1441 Words   |  6 Pagesfirst film chosen Psycho (1960) Hitchcock used detailed visual and aural compositions to express his characters feelings of paranoia and claustrophobia, along with his experienced editing skills to create suspense. With a fine-tuned sense of irony, Hitchcock examined the abnormal perversions and obsessive desires lurking beneath the surface of ordinary lives and societies, enabling him to become a smart observer of America in the 1950s, the decade during which he directed his greatest films. PsychoRead MoreAlfred Hitchcocks Psycho992 Words   |  4 PagesAlfred Hitchcock’s film â€Å"Psycho† created a tremendous impact on 60’s American films. Hitchcock powerfully describes the murder scene of Marion, while taking a shower at Bates Motel. Viewers and critics of the film believe that it is unconventional and overly violent for young viewers eyes, but some analysts think that it is a form of deconstruction, a new structure of horror film that Hitchcock wants to share. Different perspectives and ideas emerge because of the murder scene in the film, but stillRead MoreAlfred Hitchcock Manipulates the Audience to Build Suspense in Psycho910 Words   |  4 Pages Psycho is a suspense-horror film written by Joseph Stefano and directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This film was loosely adapted from Robert Bloch’s 1959 suspense novel, Psycho. A majority of the movie was filmed in 1960 at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Psycho is about Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), a secretary from Arizona who steals $40,000 from her employer’s client. She takes that money and drives off to California to meet her lover Sam Loomis (John Gavin) in order to start a new life. After a long

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Medieval Machine The Industrial Revolution Of The...

The Medieval world has a certain connotation to its meaning. People throughout time have found the era synonymous with negativity. It has often been referenced to as the middle or dark ages lending people the view of a world with little to no progress along human advancement. We often paint the picture of medieval Europe with kings, queens, lords and peasants. We also immediately thing of the bubonic plague that wiped out almost a third of the European population at the time. However, there are three sides to every story. One sides describes the negative outlook with no human progress, the other, a glorification of royalty and knights which is often misconstrued. Finally, there is the truthful side. This is the side Jean Gimpel discusses†¦show more content†¦Jean Gimpel notes that not only rivers were used but oceans as well. Tidal water wheels were also used however the change in tidal height meant it was less reliable at points and more difficult to fully engage. Wind powe r was also used to. Large windmills could be used to harness the bower of strong gusts of wind. Human labor could be used to create clothes for clothing as well as paper for writers, royalty and religious institutions. The Medieval society was able to be fully mechanized with water power behind its economy. May other regions still were seemingly stuck in a classical era. Mainly ones around the Mediterranean where most shared one thing in common, slave labor. Not much was offered by harnessing the power of water as geographical, technological and ideological reasons prevented such advancements. Jean Gimpel also discusses technology that allowed Europeans to cultivate food in mass numbers. Jean Gimpel believes this technology sparked an agricultural revolution as well. Modern Harnesses to use horses to plow fields, which was found to be much more effective than oxen, temporary field fallowing, advance plows. Agricultural advancements allowed higher food production. Throughout history, when food production rises so does human population. Another huge factor that many people do not realize is the vast amount of mining in Europe. Mainly stone quarrying andShow MoreRelatedThe Medieval Machine by Jean Gimpel600 Words   |  3 Pages The Medieval Machine by Jean Gimpel, shows information about the technological accomplishments of the middle Ages. The basic idea is that during the two centuries from around 1050 Western Europe went through a kind of industrial revolution that was just as important as of the nineteenth century’s. In his book Jean Gimpel goes over medieval primary industry, which includes energy sources like the creation of mills that were moved by wind power or by water. In these cases, the turningRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution : New Objects, Materials, And Technology1341 Words   |  6 Pagesbeen a period of innovation and development as profound and impactful as the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution produced new objects, materials, and technology fulfilling many purposes. In 1750 a shift occurred and design became a profession, which resulted in a crossover between design and art. The growth of manufacturing resulted in the rise factories and a shift from an agrarian society to an urban industrial one one. England was a powerful manufacturing state due to natural resourcesRead MoreThe Impact Of Industrialization On Society During The Industrial Revolution1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution Examine in detail the History of the Industrial Revolution. Discuss why Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution and also explain in detail the effects of industrialization on society. Had it not been for the industrial revolution, I would doubt very much that we would enjoy the technology we have in the year 2000. The reason we have this technology is that between the years 1750 and 1914 a great change in the world s history was made. People started to discoverRead MoreThe Impact Of Industrialization On Society During The Industrial Revolution1721 Words   |  7 Pages Examine in detail the History of the Industrial Revolution. Discuss why Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution and also explain in detail the effects of industrialization on society. Had it not been for the industrial revolution, I would doubt very much that we would enjoy the technology we have in the year 2000. The reason we have this technology is that between the years 1750 and 1914 a great change in the world s history was made. People started to discover faster methods of producingRead MoreThe Invention Of Hand Made Products1631 Words   |  7 Pagesdesigner from England during the eighteen hundreds. At the time of the industrial revolution many were keen for the machines to be vastly used although Morris was aware of the drawbacks that would come with this. He was a large believer of hand made products and played a major role in the revival of the traditional handmade British Textile arts and crafts. Figure 1, William Morris Morris was born in Essex to a wealthy middle-class family, Morris then studied Classics at Oxford University. AfterRead MorePositive and Negative Results of The Black Plague847 Words   |  4 PagesThe Black Plague, perhaps one of the worst epidemics in history, swept its evil across Europe in the middle of the 14th century, killing an estimated 20 million people. This major population shift, along with other disasters occurring at the time, such as famine and an already existing economic recession, plunged Europe into a dark period of complete turmoil. Anarchy, psychological breakdowns, and the dissipation of church power were some of the results. As time passed, however, society managed toRead MoreEssay about Rival Middle Ages1808 Words   |  8 Pagesban revival AD 1000/1215 The early middle ages are generally recognized as a period of decline and stagnation, in the years following the fall of the Roman Empire in ad474, the west is generally viewed by historians as underdeveloped, in comparison to the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic world. However between 1,000 and 1215 ad, Western Europe began a series of profound changes . The period of tribal migration, war, and colonisation diminishes; this period gives way to a more settled system of emergingRead MoreCapitalism And Its Impact On Social Human History1203 Words   |  5 Pagesproduction. There is a distinct division between those who believe capitalism will eventually collapse and a more effective social system will take place instead (ex: socialism, democracy) and those who believe capitalism can be overthrown with revolution through the focus on the working class. One noteworthy philosopher, who argues from different perspectives on capitalism and its impact on social human history, is Karl Marx. In The German Ideology, Marx contends that the function of ideology isRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of Computer Industry Essay1799 Words   |  8 PagesThe Industrial Revolution caused a great change in history in both technology and science. With the increased mechanization of society and the increase in manufactured goods. We still see its effects today and you could argue that the Industrial Revolution is still going on with the rise of computer industry and the internet. We also are seeing the impact of the Industrial Revolution and how it has effected our environment and even how we conduct war. Before the Industrial Revolution most productionRead MoreThe Relationship Between Arts And Growing Scientific Knowledge Of The Human Body1112 Words   |  5 Pagesof human were their main focus, specifically, ideal bodies. They understood systems of muscles beneath the skins. The church ban to study the human body in the middle Ages, There was a little interest in the human body, inner systems, and human lives. The Christian sees the body is a sinful and a cause of temptation. That is why medieval arts do not reflect close human bodies. For example, artist unknown Adam and Eve (Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial) present human as a manuscript

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Innovation and New Technology for Apple Inc - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInnovation and New Technology for Apple Inc. Answer: Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company which designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software and online services. It is headquartered in Cupertino, California. The hardware products manufactured by the company include iPhone smartphones, iPad tablet computers etc. It is the worlds largest information technology company and was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in April, 1976 (Rawlinson, 2017). Black Berry Limited is a Canadian company which designs and markets smartphones tablets and services. Founded in 1984, it was considered as one of the most dominant smart phone suppliers in the world till it lost its dominant position due to its success of Android and iOS systems (Blackberry , 2017). In this literature search, opinions stated in various journal articles regarding the reasons why incumbents i.e. Blackberry are beaten by the challengers i.e. Apple Inc. in the business would be stated. According to Nish and Silcoff (2015) in 2007, Apple Inc. transformed the competition landscape by creating a transition in the scenario of smartphones from something which was functional to a product which was beautiful. More than 1 million iPhones were sold in the first three months in the summer of 2007. When the first iPhone was released, Black Berry decided to beat the competition by manufacturing a touchscreen iPhone killer, which turned to be a complete flop. Blackberry was great in creating phones and dominated the market before Apple Inc launched its first iPhone. It was successful in creating a permanent shift of the customers who used other phones towards it. BlackBerry dominated the market by creating devices for e-mails and phone calls but with the launching of App store by Apple Inc., it changed the definition of smartphone entirely. It is the top leader with the market share of 45 % while Black Berry has now fallen to 32 % of the market. With the introduction of iPhone, Black Berry has lost its charm in the cell phone market. To make it worst, its management has been in denial ever since. Its shrinking sales, lowered brand power and incompetency has sent it downward with the expulsion of co- CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Basille. According to the opinion of Arthur (2013) Black Berry had the chances to survive and grow but it took the wrong direction. It did not adapt itself to the changing demands of the customers. Apples strategy was to shift its business focus from just designing iPods to mobile phones to store music, surf the net and make calls too. As for the case of Black Berry, the problem was not that it had lack of ideas, rather it made the wrong choices and failed to adapt itself with the changing market conditions. As per the opinion of Winter (2014) when Steve Jobs introduced iPhone in 2007, it was a small and pocket able computer of its time. It was not only for calculating and processing data like a business phone but also had the features of running apps along with making calls and playing music. Apple Incs strategy was to outperform by creating desktop class architecture in its phones. Black Berry was not able to cope up with the competition since it only excelled at making phones having the features of making phone calls and processing data. iPhones not only allowed the users to make calls but also allowed them to play games, videos and handle those tasks which required a laptop earlier. Black Berry failed to grasp this and continued to manufacture the same phones which it was manufacturing earlier. Black Berry lacked in its features and it was slow in updating its Operating System. Unless Black Berry overhauled its phones, it did not find any decent buyers in the market. The reason behind its failure was to comprehend the true nature of the device called smart phones (Sag and Waller, 2015). According to Divya and Kumar (2016) Black Berry was slow in reacting to market changes. Earlier, people were comfortable using Qwerty keyboards which were easier to handle e-mails and instant messages. Eventually, with the emergence of Apple iPhone, they became comfortable with touch screen devices and their large screens which helped them to surf the net and the apps in a better way. Black Berry failed to notice this transition .The company was stuck to the idea of manufacturing phones with plastic keys with little scroll balls. They failed to notice that their phones with plastic keys were no longer desirable among the users. They now preferred sleek elegant devices with touch screens. However, the company tried to manufacture Black Berry 10 which was a touch screen device with a modern look and feel, but it was too late. Moreover, Apple had come up with iOS at that time and it grabbed the market in such a way that those users who even wanted to use Black Berry were left without the core services they needed. If BlackBerry would have designed beautiful and elegant devices at the right time, it would have regrown back, but unfortunately it did not. Furthermore, it also depicted disturbing regularities in its gadgets. For example, it launched its playbook tablet without an email client on board. It was the major reason behind shifting its market to Apple iPhones. It believed that its users would wait for its superior product or tolerate its limitations because of its brand value , but they did not. Apples approach towards its manufacturing and marketing strategies made it more popular amongst the users and they shifted from Black Berry phones to iPhones. Thus, Black Berry which was known for its assets and advantages , portrayed its reluctance to accept the changes and therefore failed to capture the market. Another mistake which Black Berry committed was it kept BBM locked to its own hardware. Also, Black Berry manufactured phones which had bad designs with strange names which affected its popularity amongst its users. Apple recognized the need to design sleek and elegant devices with their easy to hold rectangular shapes, but Black Berry refused to follow the trend. Black Berry manufactured devices which were square in shape with plastic keys and scroll balls. These devices looked absurd and did not even fit into the pockets of the users. Then why would they buy these phones? Afterwards, when the company designed the right model they called it Priv which sounded absurd , hence it did not appeal to the users in the market. Another reason for Black Berrys failure was that its devices were never fashionable and trendy enough to catch the attention of the targeted users specially the young section of the society while Apple was successful in catching their attention and grabbing the market. Black Berry boasted of its highly secured Black Berry Enterprise Server Platform which guaranteed that the content was secured and cannot be decoded or hacked. But with time the governments started demanding access in nations such as India and Pakistan . Also, several network problems were the cause of losing faith in the Black Berry devices (Sircar, 2017). Also, the evolving of the corporate culture which encouraged its employees to bring their personal phones was the reason behind the decline in the sale of devices meant for sole corporate purpose such as Black Berry. According to Gotz, Stieger and Reips (2017) Apple devices provided a complete package of tools ranging from games to productivity tools. Additionally, they were good looking and had an ease of use. On the other hand, Black Berry failed to introduce new operating system to match the new offerings from its competitor Apple. Black Berrys focus was on enterprises and not on its consumers. It found success through selling to IT departments of large corporations which gradually fainted with time. In the present scenario, the companies are too reluctant to use Black Berry devices because of their outdated operating systems and restricted service offerings. Although the success of Black Berry came from sale of its devices from huge corporations, they secured some place amongst the consumers. But they failed to develop it because of their devices looked ugly as compared to iPhones. It was seen as a professional device for accessing e-mails; hence it did not capture the attention of the youth and failed to survive. The features of the smart phones launched by Apple ranged from games to productivity tools and the users were able to transform their phones instantly (Johnson et al., 2012). On the other hand, the users failed to do this with the help of Black Berry OS because of its limited availability of apps. Even after Black Berry launched its first smart phone 6 years later than the first iPhone, the problem was that the QNX based Black Berry OS was not easy to use. It had the gesture based operating system which was not user friendly and thus did not catch the attention of the target users (Budd et al., 2015). Likewise, the BBOS 10 were inferior versions of Apple iOS which resulted in an incomplete app which was substandard as compared to its counterpart Apple. Also, its features were not as impressive as Apple. For example, the quality of the camera was not as good as that of iPhone. Thus Black Berry lacked innovation which was needed to break the market of iPhones (Bala, Sharma and Kaur, 2015). Black Berry was an expensive and overpriced device as compared to Apple. It catered to a particular set of users i.e. corporations while Apple catered to all types of users including corporations. So, its cost proved to be much more than its utility. SO, it couldnt compete with its counterpart in this context (C?p?tn? and Dr?ghescu, 2015). Another reason of the failure of Black Berry was that it failed to leverage the fame of BBM. With the emergence of WhatsApp which became a prime messaging platform for mobile users, it lost its popularity (Youssef, 2013). Thus, to conclude, Black Berry departed from the cell phone market due to its unwillingness to adapt itself to the changing market conditions, Adapt or die is the lesson which the companies must follow in the current scenario. Black Berry is an example of risk associated with technology sector. With the launch of Apple iPhones, the stock prices of Black Berry declined. However, it made attempts to come back but it was too late to capture the market. Therefore, the failure of Black Berry has become a case study about what happens when a tech giant fails to adapt itself to changing needs of the technology market. References Arthur, C. (2013) Why BlackBerry failed . The Guardian [online]. Available from: [Accessed 15th March, 2018]. Bala, K., Sharma, S. and Kaur, G. (2015) A Study on Smartphone based Operating System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 121(1), pp. 17-22. Blackberry (2017) About BlackBerry [online]. Available from: [Accessed 14th March, 2018]. Budd, N., Matulich, E., Breakwel, A., Liu , M.X., Schleper, C. and Murrian, R.M.(2015) The RIM BlackBerry PlayBook Disaster: B2B or B2C? Journal of Business Cases and Applications. 13(2015), pp. 1-11. C?p?tn?, G. and Dr?ghescu, F. (2015) Success Factors of New Product Launch: The Case of iPhone Launch. 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